今回のテーマ“WE LOVE MICHAEL!?” 様々な事件で苦境に立たされているマイケルを(あくまでも)気持ち的にサポートする目的で描いたシリーズ。ソーセージをヌンチャクに見立ててポーズをとる、闘志溢れるマイケルですが、ジャクソンではありません。 outasight new T-shirts “We love michael vol.01-Hui” released 2005.12.01 at BEAMS T. It is the series made in order to support Michael mentally who is put in a difficult position by those many cases. vol.01 “Hui”—-Michael, filled with fighting spirit poses with his sausage as nunchakus but his not the “Jackson”. client : BEAMS T