iPhone5 case 'melting building'
iphone5 ケースをデザインしました。'melting building'、テーマは「P-FUNK」です。 visualogにて販売中です。 Designed 'melting building' iPhone5 case release at visualog. ...

'is-ness' AW ‘10-’11 poster
is-ness A/W 2010-2011 「is-ness.communism」のインビテーション・ポスターをデザインしました。 designed “is-ness” A/W 2010-2011 collection, “is-ness.communism”...

‘KE$HA’ poster
全米各チャートで1位 獲得の”KE$HA”のプロモーションポスター・デザインを手掛けました。 designed promotion poster of Billboard No.1 artist, “KE$HA/ ANIMAL” client : Sony...

‘KE$HA’ press kit
全米各チャートで1位 獲得の”KE$HA”のプレスキットのデザインを手掛けました。 designed press kit of Billboard No.1 artist, “KE$HA/ ANIMAL” client : Sony Music Japan...

sureshot A/W ’06-’07 poster
invitation poster design for “sureshot” A/W 2006-2007 collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

sureshot S/S ’06 poster
invitation poster design for “sureshot” S/S 2006 'space is a place' collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

sureshot S/S ’06 poster
invitation poster design for “sureshot” S/S 2006 'space is a place' collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

sureshot A/W ‘05-’06 poster
invitation poster design for “sureshot” A/W 2005-2006 'P-FUNK' collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

sureshot S/S ’05 card
invitation card for “sureshot” S/S 2005 'p-funk' collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

sureshot A/W ‘04-’05 poster
invitation poster for “sureshot” A/W 2004-2005 'ndebele' collection po client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster

Junji Tsuchiya A/W ’04-’05 poster
invitation poster design for “Junji Tsuciya” A/W 2004-2005 collection client : Junji Tsuchiya #junjitsuchiya #fashion #dm #poster

sureshot S/S ’04 invitation card
invitation card design for “sureshot” S/S 2004 collection, “IRIE!” photo : outasight client : sureshot #sureshot #poster #dm

TOGA S/S ’04 invitation poster
invitation poster design for “TOGA” S/S 2004 collection client :TOGA #toga #poster #fashion

TOGA ARCHIVES STORE opening poster
designed TOGA ARCHIVES STORE A1 opening poster client : TOGA ARCHIVES #toga #poster #fashion

sureshot A/W ‘03-’04 poster
invitation poster for “sureshot” A/W 2003-2004 collection client : sureshot #sureshot #dm #illustration #poster